Porchlight Business Book Awards season is here.

Book Giveaways

End of Summer Grab Bag Giveaway

September 16, 2024

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We're cleaning house and culling books, and would like to give you some of our favorite doubles.

image088zm.pngWe are getting deeper into the 2024 awards season here at Porchlight, and the entries are still flooding in. Indeed, the steady stream has become a deluge.

To make room for all the new arrivals, we need to let go of some great books we have been holding on to multiple copies of. This is where you come in. 

Our giveaway this week will be a grab-bag of two books pulled from our library shelves (or books that haven't quite made their way there yet) that we want to pass along to other avid readers. Just tell us what you do and what kind of book you're interested in receiving—even the titles of a specific book you have had on your wish list—and we will hand-select two books for you.

We will select ten winners next week. 


This giveaway has ended.

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