The Way Home: Discovering the Hero's Journey to Wholeness at Midlife

A guidebook for those at midlife struggling to find themselves, deftly applying Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s Journey to the modern reader’s quest for wholeness.


A guidebook for those at midlife struggling to find themselves, deftly applying Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s Journey to the modern reader’s quest for wholeness.

Those reaching midlife are often bombarded by messages from society telling them who they should be and what their life should look like. While chasing the three-headed monster (achievement, perfection, and the approval of others), author Ben Katt realized that he had lost himself along the way. The Way Home is a book for those at midlife struggling to find their way back to themselves.

Katt distills Joseph Campell’s Hero’s Journey into an accessible, ten-step program to help readers move beyond their limitations, find fulfillment, and make the greatest possible contribution to their community and world. Anyone – ordinary, extraordinary, or somewhere in between – can embark upon the Hero’s Journey, leaving the familiar, falling into the unknown, and ultimately rising to wholeness.

Bringing together personal experience, spiritual wisdom, and well-known mythologies, The Way Home serves as a practical guidebook to inspire and equip people in the second half of life, helping them move from isolation to belonging, from security to surrender, from conformity to wildness. Katt employs a number of tools and rituals to guide readers along the path back to themselves, including solitude, dreamwork, fasting, and meditation.

This book serves as a reminder to those at a transition point in their life that the most important task is to stay connected with their own heart.


About the Author

Ben Katt is a meditation teacher and life transformation coach who has been leading, innovating, and inspiring at the intersection of spirituality, community, and social healing for almost twenty years. Previously, he led The On Being Project’s work in supporting religious and spiritual leaders in the work of social healing. He holds a Master of Divinity degree and was an ordained minister for over a decade. Ben is an expert at adapting ancient personal development wisdom and tools for modern contexts to help people reconnect with their hearts and reclaim their purpose so they can be more creative, impactful, and fulfilled in life and work. Ben lives with his family in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.


We have 20 copies available, provided by St. Martin's Essentials. The giveaway ends on Monday, February 26th.

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