Ben Katt in Conversation with Sally Haldorson

"I think at its core, [my book is] not wanting to treat wellness or wellbeing as this sort of surface level, 'just got to clean up my act, look better...' you know, because it can be dangerous that way." Watch our full interview with Ben Katt, author of The Way Home: Discovering the Hero's Journey to Wholeness at Midlife.

This interview with Ben Katt was conducted by Porchlight's Managing Director Sally Haldorson on February 20, 2023. Here is the full video of that interview.


Purchase single copies of The Way Home from our event partner Boswell Books.

Purchase bulk copies of The Way Home for your book club, organization, or friends moving towards a new stage in their lives. Porchlight offers competitive discounts on all bulk book purchases.

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