Stacking the Deck

An Operator's Manual for Leading Breakthrough Change
"An organization's ability to learn, and translate that learning into action
rapidly, is the ultimate competitive advantage." – Jack Welch
In business, if you're not changing, or evolving with the continually shifting environs you are falling behind. And yet, still today many people rely on businesses that become unnerved by change – often without explanation. So how does a business not only keep up with change but stay ahead of it?
In Stacking the Deck: An Operator's Manual for Leading Breakthrough Change by David S. Pottruck, readers will read expert guidance and advice on how to effectively implement breakthrough change in their organizations that will guarantee success.
Stacking the Deck is filled with in-the-trenches stories of experienced leaders of bold, sweeping change in organizations from Intel to Pinkberry, from Asurion to Starbucks Mr. Pottruck, former CEO of Charles Schwab and recipient of the "Morningstar CEO of the Year" award, guides readers through the social and emotional reality of leading others and all the ups and downs that can entail, provides a 9-step plan to help leaders successfully organize and drive breakthrough change and is based on a course he teaches at Wharton.
Leading breakthrough change is certainly not for the faint of heart. But armed with the right insights, a time proven process, and perspective gained from leaders who have "been there and done that" success is within reach.