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Twitterville Book Launch and Podcast

September 04, 2009


Today I had a nice conversation with Shel Israel about his new book, Twitterville: How Businesses Can Thrive in the New Global Neighborhoods, which also, coincidentally was released today via Portfolio. In both our conversation and the book, Shel talks about how companies are becoming involved in Twitter to do better business. He tells stories about companies like Dell, who are getting a better grasp on those dissatisfied with service they've received - and it's better than customer service, where a center waits for a call, and then attempts to deal with it as quickly as possible.

Today I had a nice conversation with Shel Israel about his new book, Twitterville: How Businesses Can Thrive in the New Global Neighborhoods, which also, coincidentally was released today via Portfolio. In both our conversation and the book, Shel talks about how companies are becoming involved in Twitter to do better business. He tells stories about companies like Dell, who are getting a better grasp on those dissatisfied with service they've received - and it's better than customer service, where a center waits for a call, and then attempts to deal with it as quickly as possible. Twitter, on the other hand, opens up a conversation that takes place in public, clearing not only the problem at hand, but building credibility and trust at large. Check out the podcast here, and pick up a box of the book here, and get your team informed about and involved in something that can truly change your business. [podcast]http://media.800ceoread.com/view/9781591842798/audio/Twitterrville_Interview_with_Shel_Israel.mp3[/podcast]

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