Marty Neumeier (and Other 100 Best Authors) on ChangeThis
You may have noticed that we released a new issue of ChangeThis yesterday. What you may not have realized is that Marty Neumeier, the author of The Aesthetics of Management, is also the author of Zag: The #1 Strategy of High Performance Brands, one of The 100 Best Business Books of All TIme. The manifesto is a "look at a few of the principles that artists have used successfully, [to] see how they might apply to management." If you're looking for a new and refreshing view of management, I would definitely recommend it. And when you're done with that, I'd highly recommend his new book, The Designful Company. In no particular order, here are other 100 Best authors who have published manifestos:
- Seth Godin, founder of ChangeThis and author of Purple Cow, has written many, including How to Sell a Book (or Any New Idea), Marketing Mismatch: When New Won't Work With Old, Do Less, Pushing Past the Dip: How to Become the Best in the World, Polkas, Pyrotechnics and Point D's and The Bootstrapper's Bible.
- Kevin Kelly, author of Out of Control, published Better Than Free just last month.
- Malcolm Gladwell, author of The Tipping Point, wrote The Talent Myth.
- Richard Florida, author of The Rise of the Creative Class, wrote A Creative Manifesto: Why the Place You Choose to Live is the Most Important Decision of Your Life to partner with his latest book, Who's Your City.
- Michael Useem, coauthor of The Leadership Moment, wrote Going for the Go Point to partner with his book The Go Point, which will be out in paperback in March.
- Chip Heath & Dan Heath, authors of Made to Stick, wrote Talking Strategy: Three Straightforward Ways to Make Your Strategy Stick for ChangeThis.
- John Kotter, author of Leading Change, wrote It All Starts With A Sense of Urgency.
- Bob Sutton, coauthor of The Knowing-Doing Gap, has written two manifestos: Management Advice: Which 90% is Crap? and The Upside of Assholes: Is there Virtue in Bad Workplace Behavior?, which went with his book The No Asshole Rule.
- Jay Conrad Levinson, author of Guerrilla Marketing, wrote a manifesto of the same name, Guerrilla Marketing.
- Guy Kawasaki, author of The Art of the Start, also wrote a manifesto of the same name, The Art of the Start.
- Michael Mauboussin, author of More Than You Know, wrote Getting Out of Embed: The Role of Social Context in Decision Making.
Whew... when I started this list, I didn't remember all of these manifestos. I guess I have some reading to catch up on this weekend.