New inBubbleWrap Offer: Think like a Rich Dad
If you didn't already know this, 800-CEO-READ powers a business book giveaway site called inBubbleWrap. Once a week, we post a new offer for a free book, usually a new business title. All you have to do is answer two questions related to the giveaway and provide your contact info (that we only use for inBubbleWrap giveaway notices) and you are entered to win!
If you didn't already know this, 800-CEO-READ powers a business book giveaway site called inBubbleWrap. Once a week, we post a new offer for a free book, usually a new business title. All you have to do is answer two questions related to the giveaway and provide your contact info (that we only use for inBubbleWrap giveaway notices) and you are entered to win!
We are giving away two of the best selling business/personal finance books of the summer: Rich Dad's Prophecy and Rich Dad's Conspiracy of the Rich!