Subscribe to our kBOX & get Pitch Perfect and Think Like a Freak!

From the practical to the radical, we've got two outstanding books for your quarterly KnowledgeBOX shipment. These books will ship the week of the 21st, so if you haven't signed up for our kBOX deliveries, sign up today! Your kBOX feature book is: The media coach and Emmy Award-winning correspondent Bill McGowan shares his secrets of pitch-perfect communications, showing readers how to communicate with confidence.

From the practical to the radical, we've got two outstanding books for your quarterly KnowledgeBOX shipment. These books will ship the week of the 21st, so if you haven't signed up for our kBOX deliveries, sign up today!

Your kBOX feature book is:

The media coach and Emmy Award-winning correspondent Bill McGowan shares his secrets of pitch-perfect communications, showing readers how to communicate with confidence. In Pitch Perfect, you'll learn how to overcome all these communication pitfalls. The Seven Principles of Persuasion are as easy to learn, implement, and master as they are effective. The right language--both verbal and nonverbal--can make you more confident, persuasive, and certain. It can stir people to listen closely to your every word and to remember you long after you've left the room.

And your advance HARDCOPY is:

The New York Times bestselling Freakonomics changed the way we see the world, exposing the hidden side of just about everything. Then came SuperFreakonomics, a documentary film, an award-winning podcast, and more.

Now, with Think Like a Freak, Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner have written their most revolutionary book yet. With their trademark blend of captivating storytelling and unconventional analysis, they take us inside their thought process and teach us all to think a bit more productively, more creatively, more rationally--to think, that is, like a Freak.

___ What's a kBOX? With your yearly premium KnowledgeBlocks membership you will receive: 4 quarterly KnowledgeBOX shipments containing a signed and customized copy of a new and notable business book. An Advance Reading Copy of an exciting upcoming business title. A compendium of links to additional digital content to help enrich your reading. Access to a dedicated book forum in which to discuss your big ideas inspired by the book. BONUS: When you sign up for your membership, you will receive a complimentary "We Believe in Books" t-shirt and 4-pack of motivational posters to welcome you to the club while you wait for your official quarterly shipment to start. Only $80 for 8 new books per year! (US/Canada only) Sign up today!