The 100 Best Business Books of All Time: Updated & Expanded!

We're excited to announce an updated and expanded paperback version of The 100 Best Business Books of All Time available 11/1/11 from Portfolio. More content--expanded reviews of the Takeaway chapter books (including Thinkertoys, The First 90 Days, Beyond the Core, and The Lexus and the Olive Tree); new sidebars (including decision-making, visual thinking, and 1982, the watershed year for business books); and a new introduction and closing manifesto--means more for you to learn and enjoy. The perfect book for you to put on your Christmas list and read to inspire you for the new year!
We're excited to announce an updated and expanded paperback version of The 100 Best Business Books of All Time available 11/1/11 from Portfolio. More content--expanded reviews of the Takeaway chapter books (including Thinkertoys, The First 90 Days, Beyond the Core, and The Lexus and the Olive Tree); new sidebars (including decision-making, visual thinking, and 1982, the watershed year for business books); and a new introduction and closing manifesto--means more for you to learn and enjoy. The perfect book for you to put on your Christmas list and read to inspire you for the new year! Stay tuned for more announcements and even some giveaways as the book release date approaches!