The 2024 Porchlight Business Book Awards Longlist

The 40 books on this year's list of best business books provide a bastion against the tide of overwhelm that we all feel, grounding us with clear-eyed practical and practiced ways to do the work that will effectively bring positive change to our own personal and professional spaces and places.

Logo_text-PBBA24.pngThe challenges we face today are so immense and many that it can be overwhelming just to think about them. The debate on how to address them among our elected representatives and the talking heads on television feels trite and trivial, sometimes even terrifying when compared to their scope. The instinct to turn away from it all is understandable, but we must face these issues and the efforts to do so present our greatest opportunities. In those efforts, each of us has a role to play, agency to act in the places we live and work, and influence in our corner of the world.  

Books offer a way to dive deeper into the issues—and the opportunities—that are in front of us. They offer a slower, more thoughtful and thorough examination of the reality and complexity of the world, a more nuanced look at the issues, and a wealth of pragmatic ways we can address them. 

At Porchlight, we’ve had both the challenge and the great privilege to spend the past few months poring over this year's best books and learning as much as we can. 

As our Managing Director, Sally Haldorson, recently wrote in a back-and-forth amongst award jurors here at Porchlight:

The 40 books on this year's list of best business books provide a bastion against the tide of overwhelm that we all feel from time to time in this always online, opinion-saturated world. When so much seems outside our control, these well-researched, deftly written books ground us with clear-eyed practical and practiced ways to do the work that will effectively bring positive change to our personal and professional spaces and places.

After a lot of reading and fruitful discussions, we're proud to announce the 2024 Porchlight Business Book Awards Longlist. Our selections are: 










Our deepest respect and thanks to all the authors who put their hearts, minds, souls, and time into producing this year's books, and to everyone working in the publishing industry who helped bring them to life. We appreciate all of you, and the monumental efforts you put into bringing great books and ideas into the world this past year. Like every other year, there were so many other wonderful books published in 2024 (over 750 of them were submitted for our awards this year) that we loved but had to leave off this list. We hope you'll go back and check out the books we covered over the course of the year and check out other lists from the likes of NPR, FT Press, and so many other outlets.

Write-ups from our jurors exploring the books in each category will appear in this space over the course of the next month.

We will announce the winners in each of our eight categories at an industry event in New York City on January 29th.