Todd Sattersten's Top 10 Business Books of 2010

Business book expert (and former president of 800-CEO-READ) Todd Sattersten has picked his top 10 business books of the year. We agree heartily with his list--a mix of big idea books and practical methodology--and think that you can't go wrong choosing any of these fine books as a blueprint for your business goals in 2011. Todd's Top 10: Drive by Dan Pink Switch by Chip and Dan Heath Linchpin by Seth Godin Rafi Mohammed's The 1% Windfall William Poundstone's Priceless Youngme Moon: Different Lisa Gansky: The Mesh The Big Short by Michael Lewis Steven Johnson: Where Good Ideas Come From Gamestorming: by Dave Gray, Sunni Brown, and James Macanufo Click over to Todd's blog to read more about each of his picks.
Business book expert (and former president of 800-CEO-READ) Todd Sattersten has picked his top 10 business books of the year. We agree heartily with his list--a mix of big idea books and practical methodology--and think that you can't go wrong choosing any of these fine books as a blueprint for your business goals in 2011. Todd's Top 10: Drive by Dan Pink Switch by Chip and Dan Heath Linchpin by Seth Godin Rafi Mohammed's The 1% Windfall William Poundstone's Priceless Youngme Moon: Different Lisa Gansky: The Mesh The Big Short by Michael Lewis Steven Johnson: Where Good Ideas Come From Gamestorming: by Dave Gray, Sunni Brown, and James Macanufo Click over to Todd's blog to read more about each of his picks.