Top International Best Sellers: July 2010

I cannot imagine why I have not posted this before - I am greatly ashamed at myself for allowing almost a WHOLE month go by without any of you knowing what people across seas, valleys, mountains and portages were reading in July!  I guess it could be because I've been so busy this summer - going to the various Festivals in Milwaukee, seeing Rufus Wainwright in concert, visiting family and friends in neighboring Green Bay and Madison. .
I cannot imagine why I have not posted this before - I am greatly ashamed at myself for allowing almost a WHOLE month go by without any of you knowing what people across seas, valleys, mountains and portages were reading in July! I guess it could be because I've been so busy this summer - going to the various Festivals in Milwaukee, seeingRufus Wainwright in concert, visiting family and friends in neighboring Green Bay and Madison... or it could just be because I forgot to post it (Heaven forbid!!). Well, please, dear readers, await no longer because yours truly has THE LIST of Top International Best Selling Books for July 2010! (Now you 'll know what you all need to read before the Fall sets in):
Readers in Singapore have ordered:Different: Escaping the Competitive Herd by Youngme Moon and Lynn Carruthers (It's about unorthodox business practices - think water pistols in the conference rooms... ok not that extreme, but a must read for people who think they need a little 'shake up'.) Australians last month were intrigued with The Lords of Strategy: The Secret Intellectual History of the New Corporate World by Walter Kiechel. What is so unique about this book is that it re-images corporate strategy and how it compares it to the modern workforce environment. Canadians enjoyed The Talent Advantage: How to Attract and Retain the Best and the Brightest by Aklan Weiss and Nancy MacKay. This handy book gives insight in using/tapping into talent within your company - sort of like a guide in maintaining and getting new talent especially in today's job market. In July, people in Mexico had a hankering for a book entitled The Future of Management by Gary Hamel and Bill Breen - a great book about business innovation that will help maintain a companies momentum. Costa Ricans dipped it's interest in 140 Characters by Dom Sagolla. This little gem is about how to get your point across in today Twitter world. short, precise and yet influential. I'd explain further, but that'd be longer than 140 characters. While it is late in the month to get you what was HOT HOT HOT in July, I do hope that each and everyone of you guys takes a moment to see if one of these books may be the right book for you, too! Have a GREAT rest of August .... and I promise not to make it as long of a wait for the next line up of what the rest of the world is reading.