Awards Grab-Bag Giveaway

We're culling and shelving the books of 2016, which means we have some books to give away!

It's the start of a new year, which means we have just wrapped our awards season, which shone a spotlight on Iris Bohnet's What Works as our Book of the Year. The start of a new year also means that our shelves are overflowing with books from 2016 that need to be shelved. That is a far more involved process than you might imagine. Our library shelves are already nearly full, and not only would the books of last year put them over capacity, we have at least two copies of each of those books! That means we can't keep them all, which benefits you, dear reader.

This week, 20 lucky winners will receive two books published in 2016. You simply have to tell us what your biggest challenge at work is, and what kind of books you're interested in, and we'll hand-pick two titles to fit your specific challenges and interests, making sure at least one of the books you receive made our 2016 longlist.

These kind of tailored, grab-bag giveaways are always some of our most popular, so the competition is likely to be steep. Good luck, everyone! And here's to a new year filled with provoking business books.