The Power Code: More Joy. Less Ego. Maximum Impact for Women (and Everyone).
We are living in a moment of unprecedented transformation for women. Despite recent setbacks, women continue to advance in almost every arena—politics, business, education. We are starting to earn more than our husbands. More of us are getting elected to public office. We are better educated than men. Businesses know they need us and are desperate to hire and keep us. Management gurus at top universities say female leaders are the key to success in the 21st century. Of course, not everything is equal yet—and progress doesn’t follow a straight line, as the recent Supreme Court ruling makes painfully clear—but the underlying evidence and the long-term indications show that the world is moving inexorably from one dominated by men, as it has been for 2000 years, to one in which women have an equal if not greater say in how things run.
If it’s all so great, (at least for some of us) why does it feel so hard and why are there so many tensions that no one wants to talk about? Almost a dozen global studies show women improve profits, so why aren’t more of us CEOs? We’re doing better at school than boys, yet we can’t crack STEM? Do women use power differently and do we even want it? Can men ever learn to live with and, yes, love powerful women? And can we ever make real progress if we’re still operating in a world built by and for men? Do we still have to become alpha men in skirts?
What we need is a new definition of power and a reimagined workplace and homefront that everyone can buy into and benefit from. Drawing on the latest research, interviews with high-powered women, and their own personal stories, Kay and Shipman ask tough questions, surfacing hidden opportunities that draw on women’s underappreciated strengths and presenting a new operating system that helps women use their talents to become their most powerful selves.
About the Authors
Katty Kay was a long-time anchor of BBC World News America and currently makes frequent appearances on Meet the Press, Morning Joe, and other news outlets. She grew up all over the Middle East, where her father was posted as a British diplomat, and studied modern languages at Oxford University. She juggles her career as a journalist with raising four children with her husband, a consultant.
Claire Shipman is a journalist, author, and public speaker. She spent almost three decades as an award-winning television journalist and a regular contributor to Good Morning America and other ABC News broadcasts, served as White House correspondent for NBC News, and was a reporter at CNN. She graduated from Columbia College and later earned a master’s degree from Columbia’s School of International Affairs. She’s now a member of Columbia’s board of trustees.
Kay and Shipman are the authors of four New York Times bestsellers: Womenomics, The Confidence Code, The Confidence Code for Girls, and Living the Confidence Code. They both live with their families in Washington, DC.
The books for this giveaway are being provided by Harper Business, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers. The giveaway will end on Monday, June 19th. We have 20 copies available.