Thoughts from the Big Chair: A Leader's Guide to Digital Transformation

Anyone interested in spearheading their own digital transformation effort will benefit from reading this book.

ThoughtsFromBigChair.jpgIn recent years, millions of companies have undergone digital transformations, harnessing digital technologies like the cloud, SaaS, big data, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and the Internet of Things to overhaul their businesses and drive growth. But many key decision-makers, including senior leaders and board members, simply don’t understand these technologies, how they work, what they do, and the potential they bring. So, they fail to capitalize on them, putting their business at risk. This book solves this problem by describing these technologies in laypeople’s terms, breaking down the key concepts behind them, and spelling out their potential. But it goes further, offering useful information for anyone who seeks to launch a digital transformation initiative—information that author Russell Haworth has gathered and applied during his twenty-plus years as a tech leader. Anyone interested in spearheading their own digital transformation effort will benefit from reading this book.



Russell Haworth is a technology-oriented CEO with a global perspective. He has worked in Europe, Asia, North America, and the Middle East for companies ranging from listed multinationals to private equity-backed mid-sized firms. Russell is passionate about accelerating business growth through digital transformation, an approach that involves technologies like the cloud, XaaS, big data, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things.

Russell serves on or advises numerous tech boards. He also hosts a podcast, Thoughts from the Big Chair, to share what he's learned during his decades in leadership roles. The father of two teenage boys, Russell is a strong advocate for internet safety and supports multiple charities devoted to this cause. For more on Russell, see his website at


The books for this giveaway are being provided by Forbes Books. The giveaway will end on Monday, April 10th. We have 20 copies available. 
