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“This is the story of Deutsche Bank’s rise and fall. It is about the men who transformed a sleepy German lender into what was, for a time, the largest bank in the world, but who also set the stage for the ensuing catastrophe.”
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Based on a decade of research and reporting, Author in Chief tells the story of America’s presidents as authors—and offers a delightful new window into the public and private lives of our highest leaders.
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Trade myths, busted and debunked, with the help of six surprising everyday goods—the taco salad, the Honda Odyssey, the banana, the iPhone, the college degree, and the blockbuster HBO series Game of Thrones
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"A practical guide to help executives and managers at all levels adopt a new way of leading in our fast-moving world."
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"For many years, the mantra echoing from Silicon Valley has been one of disruption. And disrupt they have, as Rana Foroohar well explores. With some of the finest business reporting and writing of the year, this year’s Porchlight Business Book Award winner thoroughly documents the results of that disruption."
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