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In her new book, The Weekend Effect, Katrina Onstad points to an unsettling reality of modern life—we have ceded the weekend back to work.
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Liz Wiseman's brilliant book on engaging and developing workers in a way that multiplies what they have offer has been revised and expanded, and is out now.
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Eric Barker's new book brings the "science-based answers and expert insight on how to be awesome at life" approach he takes on his blog to hardcover.
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Emilie Wapnick is still in the process of answering the question of what she wants to do with her life, and helping others do the same.
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None of our lives goes perfectly according to plan, and all of us face tragedy and grief. In that sense, "We all live some form of Option B." Cheryl Sandberg and Adam Grant will help us all make the most of it.
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