Chicago Sun-Times reviews "Apples are Square"

Jack sent me a link to this book review published in the Chicago Sun-Times yesterday. "Polishing up on leadership qualities: Insightful read outlines values needed to succeed today" by John A. Challenger In Apples are Square: Thinking Differently about Leadership Susan and Thomas Kuczmarski contend that, aside from sincere efforts made some companies, we haven't learned our proverbial lesson after Enron. We continue to see scandals and departures as leaders leave positions because of unethical (or illegal) behavior. The authors interview 25 leaders attempting to embody 6 critical values discussed in the book. Many of the corporations profiled are in or around the Chicago area, where the authors are based. Challenger writes, "At a time when too many corporate leaders are still reading Sun Tzu's The Art of War, this book offers an important alternative approach to leadership." Here's a link to the review:,CST-FIN-Apples12.article And the book: