Green Collar Economy

Another seemingly awesome read just came to my attention per a client that wanted these books for a meeting this month for her employees. It's called Green Collar Economy and boy does this sound like exactly what this country needs right now. It's by Van Jones and it's basically a wake-up call to our economy and the movers and shakers within its walls.
Another seemingly awesome read just came to my attention per a client that wanted these books for a meeting this month for her employees. It's called Green Collar Economy and boy does this sound like exactly what this country needs right now. It's by Van Jones and it's basically a wake-up call to our economy and the movers and shakers within its walls. Jones also goes into what individuals must do on a more direct and personal approach.

It's not only a must read for business owners, investors, entrepreneur strategists, etc - but this "acclaimed activist" more than likely offers this solution to be considered for political players to take into account. Read this for one of the most courageous and timely reads this fall by one of the most daring authors - here's what others say:

"The Green Collar Economy is a both a rallying call and a road map for how we can save the planet, reduce our dependency on budget-busting fossil fuels, and bring millions of new jobs to America." -- Fred Krupp, Environmental Defense Fund President and New York Times best-selling co-author of "Earth: The Sequel"

"This book illustrates the link between the struggle to restore the environment and the need to revive the US economy. Van Jones demonstrates conclusively that the best solutions for the survivability of our planet are also the best solutions for everyday Americans." -- Al Gore

"Van Jones reminds us that the worst of times can also be the best of times -- that a nation with an abundance of resources it's wasting -- beginning with its youth -- has an enormous opportunity to stop foolishly bankrupting itself by chasing resources it is running out of -- like oil." -- Carl Pope, Executive Director Sierra Club