My 3-year-old daughter will only tolerate a certain ratio of words to pictures. Generally the pictures win the war for her attention. Looking at the popularity and apparent effectiveness of infographics, adults actually like pictures too (I certainly do).

...we will focus primarily on [infographic] implementation in improving business communication, from their new-found use in marketing to their more traditional application in reporting and gaining business insight. Along the way, we will also discuss some of the related pruposes for their use in other fields, which will shed light on the approach and critical framework for analyzing their quality and efficacy that we will establish toward the end of this book. Our primary purpose is to provide an in-depth understanding of the value of their use...Don't misunderstand: the book is more than simply pictures. But the rich and engaging graphic content included here probably accounts for more than 70% of the 263 pages. There is plenty of explanation to accompany the graphic demonstrations, and perhaps this ratio has something to do with the fact that this is a book about the power of graphics—what better a way to communicate the what and why than to offer demonstrative evidence. If it's true that human beings are more likely to retain information presented in graphic-rich contexts, then it makes sense for this book to be rich with graphics. From a designer's perspective, there is little discussion of technical details, but explaining the how is not quite what the authors intended to do. That said, the pictorial content is thoroughly engaging, regardless of what you hope to get out of this book. Whether you need to beef up your content, increase virility, or you simply need something for your coffee table, this book is interesting.