New Harbinger Titles
Watercooler Wisdom: How Smart People Prosper in the Face of Conflict, Pressure, & Change by Keith Bailey and Karen Leland - The authors of the book surveyed 20,000 executives, managers, and staff from around the world and discovered how everyone from CEOs to secretaries can flourish despite the stresses of the workplace. It's a practical guide that offers powerful techniqes for coping with conflict, pressure and change.
The Well-Ordered Office: How to Create an Efficient and Serene Workspace by Kathleen Kendall-Tackett, Ph.D. - According to the author's research, there are about an average of 150 hours spent every year looking for things in offices or cubicles. Taking the time to organize is making time to enjoy the things you really love. Kendall-Tackett draws on her own experience as an organizer and practicing psychologist and offers simple strategies for overcoming these issues once and for all.
Working with the Self-Absorbed: How to Handle Narcissistic Personalities on the Job by Nina Brown, ED.D, LPC, NCC - In this book, you learn to manage the destructive behaviors of narcissists in the workplace and to ensure that your work gets the credit it deserves. Brown helps the reader to find realistic strategies for ignoring outrageous narcissism and help to establish a seperate-but-equal working environment with that coworker.
Thinking Outside the Cubicle: How to Change the Job You Have into the Job You Want by Norman J. Meshriy, MS - Meshriy helps to find tips and strategy to increase job satisfaction by transforming the workplace from within. He tells how to deal with frustrating bosses, difficult coworkers, and hone job skills. Restructure jobs to match goals, build rewarding business relationships, and become more secure to leave the office at the end of the day.