Personal Days

Just how absurd (silly, mundane, hypocritical, etc - pick one or use your own) has the workplace gotten since the introduction of new technologies and the seemingly endless barrage of office politics? In his new novel, Personal Days, Ed Park examines the culture of business like it has never been examined before. He makes up a New York company, adds a bit of George Orwell, dabbles in office romances and starts it all off with a certain employee getting a phone call on a Sunday from the office.

Sure, it's a novel about a made up office, but for anyone that does work in one of these, week in and week out, the similarities will ring true. It may start off funny, seemingly unimportant/trivial, but by the end with all the politics, conspiracies and backstabbing, one may wonder how far off the mark is this book from everyday life.

Here's what people are saying about the book:

"The funniest book I've read about the way we work now." - William Poundstone, author of Fortune's Formula
"[Park's] sardonic humor will ring true to cube monkeys everywhere." - Fast Company
"Hysterical." - Wired
"The ideal read for anyone who has ever felt possessive about a stapler, confused by their boss's behavior, or suspicious of the stranger who works two cubicles down." - Amanda Filipacchi, author of Love Creeps

Read more about the book HERE