Tabatha Coffey Owns It!
Like her television show, Tabatha Takes Over, Tabatha demonstrates how we can own our lives and careers again. Ownership basically means taking responsibility. Many people put on their cruise control or even shut down when it comes to their business and personal life. But placing the blame, passing the buck, taking the back seat, are all unacceptable. She urges people to get in that driver's seat of their lives. She forewarns the reader that this is not easy. It's very simple to coast down the river instead of paddling upstream. Life is not easy. What people need to remember is that they have a choice. With these choices, however, comes great responsibility. This can be quite daunting, and might be the main reason why so many people don't do it, but Tabatha points out that not choosing is also a choice.
This strict sense of self comes from Tabatha's background both at home (her mother was a very shrewd business woman) and at work (as a top hair designer/professional and television make-over personality). She informs us that people have referred to her time and again as a "bitch" because of her tough love, and she's just fine with that—especially after turning that word into a positive reinforcement mantra: Brave, Intelligent, Tenacious, Creative, Honest. Tabatha makes no apologies for being who she is, how she got to where she is, or in showing you what you must be to get to that place, too.
Every chapter has helpful stories, check points, and anecdotes to help you achieve a similar sense of ownership . Her language and demeanor are not for the weak willed. What you see is what you get, and if you don't really want to finally own your life, then this book will not help you. There are no easy answers, no short cuts, and definitely no free rides in order for this to happen. What Tabatha does is give us a light at the end of the tunnel. There is a way for everyone to get control back and make something out of what people may perceive as a no-win situation, and this book acts as a guide.
A great addition is the "Ask Tabatha" section that wraps up the book, which is almost 20 pages of personal answers to questions she solicited for the book. And she invites us to keep that Q&A session going by reaching out to her on Facebook or Twitter.
Tabatha warns the reader: the people who have listened to her have flourished in their business and personal lives, and the ones who did not have failed/closed up shop (in more ways than one). So make a choice to pick up the book and really listen. Tabatha's insights (lists like the 10 Commandments of Customer Service), her useful notes at the end of the chapters, and your own personal drive and motivation will help you to finally Own It.