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William Davidow and Michael Malone ask us to reimagine what Patrick Henry’s proclamation to “Give me liberty or give me death” means at a time when the companies that control the internet also increasingly control the overall economy and our very lives—at a time when “Suddenly commercial enterprises, not repressive governments, are what pose the direct threats to our individual freedoms and privacy.”
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"Self-awareness is extremely important. But getting to know yourself is important primarily, Tom Rath believes, because it allows you to connect and contribute to the lives of others."
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“The very idea of a ‘free’ market has become synonymous with an ‘unregulated’ market—one that is unaccountable to the wider public that must act as a lender of last resort when their financial machinations come to a grinding halt due to an engineering flaw of their own design.”
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"Focusing on those left behind during an era of unprecedented economic growth and increasing income inequality in places like Nicholas Kristof’s hometown of Yamhill, Oregon, Tightrope’s most powerful moments are in the stories of individuals struggling to get by—incarcerated, addicted, and, like 60 percent of all Americans, in debt."
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Every page of Rana Foroohar’s Don’t Be Evil is a revelation, a reinforcement for the ideas that have made our economy sustainable in the past, and have been largely discarded in the disruption Silicon Valley has spread throughout our economy.
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