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Peter Goodman takes a close look at the robber barons of the modern era, explaining how they have grabbed the gains of globalization and profited off the pandemic, undermined working people, economic stability, and even our very democracy in the process.
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Steve Hamm joined a project that aimed to bring cutting-edge technologies and concepts to bear on the problem of climate change, and discovered the most powerful tool was that of human connection.
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Katrine Marçal's new book shows us how gender bias has determined what technologies we have built, and even what we consider to be technology, undermining our ability to reach our full potential as human beings. It continues to be the case today, and it has never been as important as it is now to upend our ideas around gender to build a more balanced and sustainable world.
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Sahil Lavingia reminds us that there is more than one way to found a startup, and that the way it's done in Silicon Valley may not be the best or most sustainable way for most entrepreneurs—or for the world.
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If you've been experiencing an inability to pay attention, you're not alone. Even if you don't feel it, you're probably still plagued by it. Amishi Jha knows why, and how to help.
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