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Sara Horowitz's new book is based on an idea that is as old as humankind, and a tradition that is so entrenched in our country that we don’t even notice it. But it is still going strong even if it has been eroded. It is the idea of an “economic system of mutual obligation.”
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The idea of “what’s good for business” is changing. The “walls between business and society” that kept companies shielded from a full accounting of their effect on society while maintaining an outsized influence over it, are crumbling. The “core assumptions and dominant beliefs” of business are slowly evolving, being pushed by both outside activists and those within. Judy Samuelson is one of those champions.
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There is a lot of disinformation out there, but there is also a lot of good information provided by hard-working individuals dedicated to providing good numbers for us to base big decisions on. Tim Harford helps us identify the difference.
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" An award-winning psychologist reveals how to overcome the negative voice in your head and go from inner critic to inner coach."
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America was founded upon an idea of what might be possible, not what was—that we can bring about a society that honors the human dignity inherent in us all and extends opportunity to those who’ve been denied it in the past. To that end, Mitchell Weiss reminds us, "We get the government we invent."
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