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Throughout this uplifting text, Jane Goodall takes us on her life’s journey. We see her living through wars, grieving a departed partner, and even meet a young Jane who was unsure of herself. Yet, hope was always around the corner—as it is today.
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When Two Feathers Fell from the Sky is a noteworthy story about the souls of animals, friendships that surprise us, and spirits that linger behind on stolen land.
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Patrick Nunn packs many different stories of the submerged—some familiar, others mostly unknown—into this engrossing book of the lands, memories, and people who once were lost to the depths of the oceans.
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If you’re interested in recapturing some of that fascination you had if you ever made a volcano in school, or were even just intrigued when you saw the experiment on screen (and who hasn’t) take a journey uncovering the universe's volcanoes, hot and cold, in this interesting read by Natalie Starkey.
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Katharine Hayhoe packs an informative and interesting read that many of us should look through to better acquaint ourselves on some of the most important topics of our time in order to hold meaningful conversations—even with those who don’t want to have them.
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