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Richards writes a beautiful ballad to the missing and to those who survive, trying to pick up the pieces without knowing what that means. The pages illustrate the world of those who survive and the many missing faces of those who disappear.
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In his new book, Michael Pollan focuses in on three substances that alter human consciousness—opium, caffeine, mescaline—and takes us on a whirlwind exploration through his research on the plants that contain them.
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Clare Sestanovich gives us a peek into the desires of modern life, lives that are figuring out the everyday, and writes lovely short stories that give us snippets of all these lives that tie together.
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This beautiful ode to her life shows Marina Jarre finding her place in the world and deciphering her past.
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Judith Heumann’s story, like so many others, shows us the power of speaking up and the power of community.
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