The Best Business Books 0f 2008 - BusinessWeek Edition
While we're in the midst of announcing the shortlists for our annual awards, I think it behooves us to look at what others found worthy of the "best" title. Last week, BusinessWeek gave their blessing to what they see as The Best Business Books of 2008 in an article by Hardy Green. The following books made the article:
The Trillion Dollar Meltdown by Charles R.
While we're in the midst of announcing the shortlists for our annual awards, I think it behooves us to look at what others found worthy of the "best" title. Last week, BusinessWeek gave their blessing to what they see as The Best Business Books of 2008 in an article by Hardy Green. The following books made the article:
To look back at the books produced in the beginning of 2008 is to glimpse a more innocent world, an Eden seemingly free of financial crisis and the impending gloom of 2009.I don't necessarily agree with that. Though they weren't given much attention, the books were out there, they just weren't getting much attention. The first book Green mentions in the article, The Trillion Dollar Meltdown, was itself published in March. I believe that qualifies as "the beginning of 2008." (In fact, books warning us of a crisis have been out there for a while, including A Demon of Our Own Design, our choice for the best book in the Finance & Economics category last year.) Regardless of my nitpicking, Mr. Green has put together a fine list. To read the rational behind the decisions, head on over to the original article.