WSJ Review of The Elephant and the Dragon
Here's a review from today's Wall Street Journal. The Elephant and the Dragon, by Robyn Meredith, details the rapid economic growth both China and India have experienced over the past 100 years. Meredith shows that these two emerging economic giants have important lessons the U.S. and other nations can learn about global power and competition.
"Ms. Meredith reminds us of just how far both countries have traveled in the past half-century or so. In China, 30 million to 40 million people starved to death from 1959 to 1962 because of Mao's collectivizing farm policies, and nearly all of the country's universities were shuttered for more than a decade during the Cultural Revolution. In India, the post-independence experience with socialism and central planning subjected the economy to what became known, derisively, as "the Hindu rate of growth." Cumbersome, inefficient, patronage-laden enterprises sustained poverty rather than alleviating it. Over time, the irresistible logic of capitalism coincided with a juggernaut of globalizing technology to overturn the old paradigm and usher in reform."Here's a link to the review: And a link to the book: