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Teachers in the Milwaukee Public School system were surprised on their first day back in the classroom this fall with a gift from a local company, Penzey's Spices. The gift included a jar of their newest salt-free seasoning, Forward! (which not-incidentally is Wisconsin's state motto), and a jar of their all-purpose cinnamon.
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Pabst Blue Ribbon has become a trendy beverage across the country. It has developed a blue collar, sub-culture friendly image. But while Pabst has been a huge part of Milwaukee's history, its connections to the city today are limited to its branding, and there are still plenty of working class folks here who won't touch it.
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When you booted up Windows 95, a man named Brian Peter George St. John le Baptiste de la Salle Eno made that experience more remarkable and memorable. He made the little league game at the end of the movie Traffic seem profound and timeless—a gentle, reassuring reminder that the universe is stitched together of individual, seemingly mundane moments.
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634 points. That is quite a dramatic drop. How should we react?
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Like most people my age, I spent a significant portion of my childhood pretending to be a Italian plumber.
You see, we were the Nintendo generation, and regardless of what games you ended up getting later on, you had to find every warp pipe and explore all the secret worlds of Super Mario Bros. first.
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