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If Vanessa Zoltan can make such thoughtful, universal, contemporary, and personal connections with a nineteenth-century gothic Romance novel, I think that there are endless possibilities for what we can learn from the abundance of diverse authors and stories that exist today.
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Clare Sestanovich gives us a peek into the desires of modern life, lives that are figuring out the everyday, and writes lovely short stories that give us snippets of all these lives that tie together.
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David Buckmaster takes on issues as personal as how to advocate for better pay for yourself, and as broad as how to change the system to rid it of its persistent racial and gender disparities and finally provide equal pay for equal work.
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We must be deliberate about choosing what stories we tell, and what stories we believe, because they are the waters we swim in—the way we construct our own realities.
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Doree Shafrir’s compassion for herself as a late bloomer will inspire readers to treat themselves with as much self-respect and patience, too,
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