Activating the Entrepreneur Within

"Nobel Peace Prize winner Muhammad Yunus, an economist who is known as the 'banker to the poor' by making small loans in impoverished countries stated, 'I did something that challenged the banking world. Conventional banks look for the rich; we look for the absolutely poor. All people are entrepreneurs, but many don't have the opportunity to find that out.' An entrepreneur in his own right as founder of the Grameen Bank, Yunus developed the concept of microcredit as a method to help fund entrepreneurs who would not qualify for any other type of loan. He believed in creating economic development from the lowest tier of society and saw that the entrepreneurial dream was defined to no man; it was a gift to all. So you, dear reader, want to know if you are an entrepreneur. It would be so easy to draw your blood and see the entrepreneurial DNA floating about and qualitatively state, "Yes, he is an entrepreneur!" But what good would this do? There still would be so much lacking outside the control of simple DNA to activate the entrepreneur within you."