Be Bold: Risks and Rewards of Betting On Yourself

"People often tell me that I take a lot of chances, and I keep taking them because they keep paying off. As I swap stories with colleagues and friends, everyone comes away from risk with one similar takeaway: When you push through fear, there is exhilaration on the other side. Worrying about an outcome or feeling a loss of control about a decision is normal. I've discovered that you can't let the fear of uncertainty stop you. Dreaming, as a wise woman said, is a form of planning. [...] The chances I have taken have not always gone as planned or expected. Successful or not, every risk also has the reward of a great learning experience. Change happens to all of us. I've realized that being bold and pushing through fear, we grow and gain some control over the changes that happen to us. Every change helps us to realize our full potential."