Death or Glory in the Digital Age of Marketing
To succeed in this new world, the marketing function needs to reinvent itself fast, and it won't be easy."
Creating organizational culture must be done deliberately, and with a set of principles in mind. Dave Durand suggests Aristotle's Transcendentals to build a business that provides "a service that goes above and beyond, and an organizational culture that inspires."
Reid Hoffman is deeply involved with the development of AI, but he knows that the best technology to help explain where it's going is a book, "in part as homage to the essential truth that technologies that often seem decidedly flawed and even dehumanizing at first usually end up being exactly the opposite." We have the Introduction to that book for you here.
In our hyper-partisan era, how can we form the consensus we need for our government to function well enough to meet the many crises and challenges we face? Former congressional staffer turned politics professor Casey Burgat looks to the farewell speeches of recent Senators for input and inspiration.