Seinfeld on Marketing: 7 Marketing Lessons from the Cast of the Show About Nothing

All this time we thought Seinfeld was a show about "nothing." Little did we know that peppered in its nine seasons were hidden, real-world marketing lessons taught from the masters themselves. But, unlike the Soup Nazi's secret soup recipes, these marketing lessons are to be shared freely with everyone. So why did I write this eBook? Anyone who knows me well knows that I watch way too much Seinfeld. So much so that many times during a conversation with someone I'll remark, "Hey, that reminds me of a Seinfeld episode where Jerry and Kramer are..." Basically, it's a curse. We'll that's all about to change with this eBook. I have decided to use my Seinfeld powers for the good of marketing-kind. Maybe this will help to quiet the voices in my head (doubtful, but one can hope). Even if you have never watched an episode of Seinfeld in your life (shame on you!), you can still participate. I'll give you the background of each episode so that you can play along at home. ...on with the show.