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"Everyone seems to be talking about diversity these days. Tech companies have pulled back the curtain to reveal how white and male they are. Indian firms are scrambling to appoint female board members in order to abide by new laws. European and North American multinationals are hiring executives from emerging markets. And even Hollywood is admitting that you're more likely to see an alien on screen than an Asian or Latina female. Diversity has moved from a nice-to-have to a must-have. And innovation is one of the benefits most consistently lauded to sell people on diversity. It sounds promising. Rather than approaching a problem from one perspective, you gain the opportunity to see things more broadly. The problem is, diversity rarely works out that way. [...] Diversity is undoubtedly one of the best sources of innovation. But it's not automatic. Diversity by itself does not lead to better solutions. Cultural intelligence, or CQ, is the differentiating factor. CQ is a research-based way of measuring and improving effectiveness for working across cultures. And CQ is a multiplying factor when combined with diversity. Diverse teams with low CQ perform significantly worse than homogeneous teams. But diverse teams with high CQ outperform homogeneous teams in every area—productivity, employee engagement, cost savings, profitability, and yes—innovation."
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"Everything has gone global. Communication. Work. Politics. Relationships. Faith. We get it. In fact, by this point, the statement almost sounds a bit trite. Any organization knows that the word "global" better find its way into its messaging and strategy. But how do we move beyond mantras about cultural sensitivity and global awareness to successfully adapting to various cultures while simultaneously remaining true to ourselves? Both sides of the equation are essential—being true to ourselves and adapting to different cultures. And being true to our organizational identity and brand while also responding to an onslaught of culturally diverse markets."
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"You've heard about IQ and EQ. But what's your CQ? CQ, or cultural intelligence, is more than just a kitschy catch phrase for cultural competence. It's a fresh, new approach to leading in our multicultural, globalized world. Cultural intelligence is defined as the capability to function effectively across national, ethnic, and organizational cultures. And research demonstrates a leader's CQ may easily be the single greatest difference between thriving in the 21st century world and becoming obsolete."
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