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"Generating creativity takes an effort to make the initial spark. Thomas Edison once locked himself and five coworkers in his lab, where they labored for sixty hours without sleep to finish a working printing machine. This is the first truth you have to understand about creative endeavors: the spark comes to life at the expense of the grind. You will always run into problems when your efforts stop at the initial spark because rarely is the first spark the hottest and most potent. This was clearly true with Edison, who went on to win more than a thousand patents—including the light bulb—by working eighteen-hour days most of his life and famously finding '10,000 ways that won't work.'"
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"My name is Erik Wahl and Art has saved me from a life of slavery. I've been a member of A.A. (Artists Anonymous) for over twelve years. I am a recovering suit and tie. I am recuperating from years as a gear in a wheel that barely touched the ground. And now, after rediscovering my Art by freeing my mind and digging to find my inner creative genius, I am a proud survivor of 'standardized education.' I found a new path. I learned to UNthink. I learned how to unleash and unlock my mind to find freedom. In my search for freedom, I was unaware that 'art' (actual paintbrushes and paints) would serve as my personal rehab as I began to rebuild from rock bottom. But during this deep search for real answers, I realized the term art had been misused for centuries. What originally began as a term defining the interaction between geniuses and muses eventually was morphed into a hierarchical description of taste and masterpieces. 'Art' became a product and 'artist' became a career where, like any other job, you could succeed or fail."
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