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"When was the last time you did something that astounded those around you, that amazed yourself, that was outside of your comfort zone? Has it been a while? Was it in your childhood, or at college? If it was recent, did you need the help of a drink or two to muster up that courage? That's pretty common. But when was the last time you felt intimidated, insecure, afraid to do something because it might be wrong? Or when was the last time you watched someone else do something bold and you thought, 'That's amazing! But I could never do that?' Unfortunately, that's pretty common too. Why? Fear. We often hold ourselves back from our true potential because of all kinds of fears—fear of failing, fear of rejection, fear of being laughed at, and even the fear of being our most glorious self."
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"Where other businesses don't seem to have their priorities straight, pop star Lady Gaga understands that focusing on current customers is the key to building long-term, sustainable audience loyalty. With 23 million albums sold, five Grammy awards and Forbes' distinction as one of the world's most powerful celebrities, Gaga is one of the most well-known pop artists in the world. While known as much for her voice as for her over-the-top wardrobe, few recognize Gaga for her stunning business acumen, which has earned her legions of loyal fans worldwide.
Lady Gaga didn't become the success she is today based solely on her talent. She did so by engendering immense loyalty from her fans—not just through her music—but also through her message and the community she has built around that message. Gaga's overarching philosophy focuses on her core advocates: the superfans called Little Monsters. These advocates become evangelists who bring in new customers on their own."
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Get customers who worship the ground you
advertise on. "A customer evangelist not only purchases from you regularly, she feels compelled to tell others." They demonstrate how to create customer evangelists in today's market of endless choices. Ben and Jackie use triumphs from the business world to deliver sound advice on how to maximize your marketing output and quality. A must-read for any consumer-heavy business.
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