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By devising ways to manage time, handle stress, overcome setbacks, and sustain morale, executives and entrepreneurs can meet the challenge of performing while transforming—and pass the leadership test of our time.
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"Even if you aspire to vast structural change, progress begins by convincing flesh-and-blood individuals of the virtues of your cause and persuading them to take steps towards solutions."
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The less-noticed story of our time, the huge opportunity for leaders who aim to do something important and build something great, is both simple and subversive: In a time of wrenching disruptions and exhilarating advances, of unrelenting turmoil and unlimited promise, the future is open to everybody.
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Today, the most successful organizations don't just out-compete their rivals. They redefine the terms of competition by embracing one-of-a-kind ideas in a world filled with me-too thinking.
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