Marshall Goldsmith on Business and Books

"How can we spread positive change in behavior from the CEO to people at every level of the organization?"

We conclude our series with Marshall Goldsmith the same way we end them all—picking his brain about what's potentially on the horizon for him by asking what unanswered question he's most interested in, and trying to find out what brought him to his current vantage point by asking about the books that have shaped his thinking.

These posts are usually short and sweet (and Marshall's is no exception), which I've found is good because they lead to even more books and more reading that I can't wait to started on.

Q: What is the one unanswered question about business you are most interested in answering?

MG: How can we spread positive change in behavior from the CEO to people at every level of the organization?

Q: What book has influenced your work the most?

Q: What is the book you wish you had written (or admire the most) and why?

MG: Old Path, White Clouds by Thich Nhat Hanh. This book makes me feel peaceful and content as I read it. It is very simple and very profound at the same time.

Q: What book are you reading right now?

MG: Triggers by Marshall Goldsmith. I am now focusing on how to teach it—which is very different than how to write it!


Learn more about Marshall and read an article from him about why The greatest challenge leaders face is overcoming our own egos! Then follow it up with the first part of this interview, which dives into some of the teachings of Triggers in more detail.


If you'd like to learn more about the book, we wrote a review for our Jack Covert Selects series earlier this month, and wrote more about it last week when we gave away 20 copied in our weekly Book Giveaway. He is also offering a great deal on 100 copies of the book and a chance to spend the day with him learning about Triggers. Learn more at