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David Allen and Edward Lamont talk about their new book in this hour-long interview.
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Friendship coach and author Danielle Bayard Jackson offers insight into what makes women's friendships so important, so difficult, and so worth fighting for.
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In this previously live-streamed interview, Cass R. Sunstein discusses the book he co-authored with Tali Sharot, Look Again: The Power of Noticing What Was Always There.
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In this previously live-streamed interview, Ralph Nader answers discusses his book The Rebellious CEO: 12 Leaders Who Did It Right.
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"I think at its core, [my book is] not wanting to treat wellness or wellbeing as this sort of surface level, 'just got to clean up my act, look better...' you know, because it can be dangerous that way."
Watch our full interview with Ben Katt, author of The Way Home: Discovering the Hero's Journey to Wholeness at Midlife.
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