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When you visit the website for Menlo Innovations, you'll find a link titled "Experience by Reading" on the top bar. Click there, and you'll find not only find information about Menlo books, but also a link to Recommended Reading, which features 25 books from innovation to design to social science. So this edition of "On Business & Books" is particularly appropriate.
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Richard Sheridan, author of Joy, Inc. is the CEO, Chief Storyteller and co-founder of Menlo Innovations. Here's his story: Rich knew at 13 years old what he was going to do the rest of his career when he typed in a two-line program into a Teletype and the computer came back and typed back “HI RICH”.
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Creativity requires a personal belief that you have something meaningful to say or to contribute. If this belief gets squashed or hindered, it can fundamentally damage the brain’s neurological pathways responsible for creative connections and communication. ~Debbie Millman Q.
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