Upcoming Interview: Ada Limón

Free online event!
"I have always been too sensitive, a weeper / from a long line of weepers," writes Limón. "I am the hurting kind." What does it mean to be the hurting kind? To be sensitive not only to the world's pain and joys, but to the meanings that bend in the scrim between the natural world and the human world?
With Limón's remarkable ability to trace thought, The Hurting Kind explores those questions - incorporating others' stories and ways of knowing, making surprising turns, and always reaching a place of startling insight. Along the way, we glimpse loss. But The Hurting Kind is filled, above all, with connection and the delight of being in the world.
Ada Limón: June 1, 2022, 6pm Live on Zoom

ADA LIMÓNis the author of The Hurting Kind, as well as five other collections of poems, including The Carrying and Bright Dead Things. Limón is a recipient of a Guggenheim Fellowship, and her work has appeared in the New Yorker, the New York Times, and American Poetry Review, among others. She is the new host of American Public Media's weekday poetry podcast The Slowdown. Born and raised in California, she now lives in Lexington, Kentucky.

Ada will be in conversation with Porchlight Managing Director Sally Haldorson.