Upcoming Live-Streamed Author Interview: Dorcas Cheng-Tozun

SaraElise-thumbnail.jpgJune 6, 3PM CST | Dorcas Cheng-Tozun, author of Social Justice for the Sensitive Soul: How to Change the World in Quiet Ways in conversation with Porchlight's Managing Director Sally Haldorson


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About the Book

Often social justice work is imagined to be raised voices and raised fists in the streets, slums, villages, inner cities, and halls of political power. But what does social justice work look like for those of us who don't feel comfortable battling in the trenches? Sensitive souls have much to contribute to bringing about a more just and equitable world. Cheng-Tozun expands the possibilities of how to have a positive social impact, affirming the particular gifts and talents that sensitive souls offer to a hurting world.

Purchase a copy of Social Justice for the Sensitive Soul from our event partner, Boswell Books. Order before June 20th for 10% off!