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G. Richard Shell is the Thomas Gerrity Professor of Legal Studies, Business Ethics, and Management and the Chair of the Legal Studies and Business Ethics Department at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, where he has taught since 1986. He also led the School’s most recent innovation process to completely redesign its MBA program.
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For our final Thinker in Residence installment on Jay Baer, author of Youtility, we asked him to share with us the business question that most inspires him and what books have most influenced him. Read on and enjoy Baer's take on business and books.
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Jay Baer is a hype-free digital marketing strategist, speaker, and author. He founded Convince & Convert in 2008 where he oversees big picture ideas for corporate clients, helps agency customers understand and profit from social and digital services, and spreads the gospel of social and content acceleration with dozens of speaking engagements annually.
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