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Register now to watch our interview with Stephanie Harrison, creator of the New Happy philosophy, on May 14, 2024 at 12pm CT on YouTube, LinkedIn, and Facebook.
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There are many gives and takes of tourism—we need to talk about them. And Paige McClanahan's book is an engaging and effective facilitator of that conversation.
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Women's unpaid labor is coming at a cost. Jessica Calarco's new book details how our country's systemic issues exploit women and negatively affect everyone's quality of life. But it also provides plenty of research to point us in a new, more equitable direction.
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"Written with self-deprecation and wit, Ambition Monster is a gutsy and powerful look at workaholism and the addictive nature of achievement, the lingering effect of childhood trauma, and the failures of our modern rat race."
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Does your relationship with work need some help? Tune in to our upcoming conversation with Tessa West, author of Job Therapy, for insight on five reasons you may want to leave your job, and get advice on what to do to improve your current career or your next.
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