We told you about Jeremy Gutsche's upcoming Exploiting Chaos late last month (here) when the advance copy first came across Jack's desk. The book itself won't be available in bookstores until September, but you can see what attracted Jack to the book over at exploitingchaos. com, where they're offering a free preview.

We told you about Jeremy Gutsche's upcoming
Exploiting Chaos late last month
(here) when the advance copy first came across Jack's desk. The book itself won't be available in bookstores until September, but you can see what attracted Jack to the book over at
exploitingchaos.com, where they're offering
a free preview.
Jack has chosen the book to be one of his Jack Covert Selects for September, so we'll have more on the book when those reviews are posted. And it's not just Jack raving. Dan Pink has praised the book, saying "Exploiting Chaos is a rousing battle cry for the kind of creative, risky thinking that is most needed in times of change and disorder" and Guy Kawasaki has called the book "The quintessential roadmap for all those who seek opportunity ..." That's a lot of highly respected, intellectual weight being thrown around this book.