Author Week at Mixergy
Herb Sorensen, Ph.D. is a pre-eminent authority on observing and measuring shopping behavior and attitudes. He is the Global Scientific Director, TNS Shopper Insights, serving Fortune 100 retailers and consumer packaged goods manufacturers in North America, Europe, Asia, Australia and South America for over 35 years. Dr. Sorensen, Ph.D. biochemist, looks at consumer behavior from a scientific viewpoint but clearly explains the impact for the bottom line of merchants.
Tuesday: Mark Magnacca, author of So What?: How to Communicate What Really Matters to Your Audience
Mark Magnacca, is President of Insight Development Group, Inc, a business building coach, keynote speaker and author. Mark's mission is to help sales professionals get greater results in less time by teaching his clients to put all of their communications, verbal and written, to the So What Test. By adopting a S o What Mindset, clients learn to communicate and structure every message according the needs of the listener.
Wednesday: Bertrand Cesvet, coauthor of Conversational Capital: How to Create Stuff People Love to Talk About
Bertrand Cesvet is Chairman and Chief Strategist of Montreal-based creative hotbed SID LEE. Over the past 10 years, he has helped transform a small, but promising creative shop into a leading purveyor of experiential design and communication services for breakthrough brands. In doing so, he has earned the ear of many a C-level executive who value the disruptive insights he injects into their businesses.
Thursday: The aforementioned Jim Champy, author of Inspire!: Why Customers Come Back, among many other books.
Jim Champy, Chairman of Consulting, Perot Systems, is recognized throughout the world for his work on leadership and management issues and on organizational change and business reengineering. His first book, Reengineering the Corporation: A Manifesto for Business Revolution, sold more than 3 million copies and spent more than a year on The New York Times best seller list. He is also the author of the best seller, Reengineering Management: The Mandate for New Leadership, which was recognized by Business Week as one of the top ten best business books of 1995.
Friday: Barry Libert, author of Barack, Inc.: Winning Business Lessons of the Obama Campaign
Barry Libert is a pioneer in using communities and Web 2.0 technologies to help enterprises thrive and accelerate business growth. He was co-author of the recently published We Are Smarter Than Me, a critically acclaimed book created in collaboration with Wharton Publishing that used the Wiki-based contributions of more than 4,000 people to illustrate how businesses could profit from the wisdom of crowds. A one-time McKinsey & Company consultant, Libert has also co-authored two other highly regarded books about the business value of information and relationships.
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