Best Books of 2008 From the FT Management Blog

If you follow business books, you no doubt know that The Financial Times and Goldman Sachs award one book each year The Financial Times and Goldman Sachs Business Book of the Year. What you may have escaped your business book radar is The Financial Times Management Blog and their picks of the 2008 crop. Most of the books that made the FT/Goldman Sachs shortlist made this list as well (I'll point them out below), the sole exception being William J.
If you follow business books, you no doubt know that The Financial Times and Goldman Sachs award one book each year The Financial Times and Goldman Sachs Business Book of the Year. What you may have escaped your business book radar is The Financial Times Management Blog and their picks of the 2008 crop. Most of the books that made the FT/Goldman Sachs shortlist made this list as well (I'll point them out below), the sole exception being William J. Bernstein's A Splendid Exchange. (Quick note: The Management Blog is based in the UK, and some of the books' publishers and subtitles are different than they are here in the States. I've gone with the US information below. If you're reading this overseas and need the UK information, head on over to the original post.) Without further ado, the list is: One more book was good enough to stop press, being added after the initial post. That book was Grown Up Digital: How the Net Generation Is Changing Your World by Don Tapscott, published by McGraw-Hill.